The MNCBIA represents the industry with Legislative and Regulatory issues at the local county, city and regional levels and at the Maryland State level. Staff and volunteer members monitor important issues affecting the building industry and lobby and testify as necessary with elected officials and government agencies. MNCBIA represents the interests of approximately 500 companies and 12,000 individuals operating in the Calvert, Charles, Montgomery, Prince George's and St. Mary's Counties and Washington, DC.
This report includes all legislation reviewed by the MSBA Legislative Committee that was passed and signed into law. For more information on these new laws, please email MSBA's Katie Maloney or call 410-263-0070.
Storm Drain Design Criteria - Montgomery County issued a compilation of new Storm Drain Design Criteria developed over the last few years with industry representatives. For questions, email Bob Kaufman or call 301-445-5408.
Click here to read the message from the Director of the Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services about the reduction in the Automation Enhancement Fee.
New Laws 2013
This list includes all legislation reviewed by the MSBA Legislative Committee that was passed and signed into law. The bills are listed by effective date. For more information on these new laws, please email MSBA's Katie Maloney or call 410-263-0070.
Click here for Legislative Policies & Positions Archives
Below is the link to the recent MNCPPC report to be delivered to DNR as a report on the Forest Conservation Program for Montgomery County The report includes the following information relevant to Monday’s discussion on the Tree Canopy Bill. 1. The County currently has over $140,000 available in tree funds from the Fee in Lieu program available for urban replanting 2. In 2009 Maryland State DNR amended the restrictions that governed the use of in lieu tree funds. Rather than being restricted to use for forest only, the fund could now be used to meet urban tree canopy goals. This opened up the potential for using developer funds to enhance urban forest and improve the quality of life in urban areas. Since then staff has worked to develop an urban planting program. Over the last four years this has evolved into the Shades of Green program which will be discussed before the Planning Board 3. In 2012 the Planning Department agreed to be a partner with Conservation Montgomery for a Chesapeake Bay Trust Community Greening Grant 4. Leaves for Neighborhoods is a coupon program funded by in lieu fees from developers unable to meet forest mitigation requirements on site. Coupons are worth $25.00 when a qualifying tree is purchased from private nurseries in Montgomery County. 587coupons were redeemed in FY2012. This number has gone up in FY 2013 to 806 redeemed coupons. The building industry shares the goals of the County in establishing and conserving our important urban tree canopy. Unfortunately the proposed Tree Canopy Bill includes excessive administration and fees both unnecessary and counterproductive. We encourage you to consider the alternative suggested by Renew Montgomery that both allows and promotes property owners to plant trees when they improve their urban properties and does so without an increase in bureaucracy and fees the relate directly to urban tree replacement. However, the building industry remains unconvinced that any bill is necessary given the spectacular success of the County’s reforestation programs and the natural incentive property owners have to both save trees where feasible and to replant trees or add new trees as they improve their property. Why mess with success! The danger of this bill is that it creates an economic disincentive to saving and planting trees on private property as the cost to save trees exceeds the value of the tree and as the bill will now make any tree planted on private property subject to a potential fee should the owner ever, in the future, desire to trim or remove the tree as part of their improvement. A wise owner may choose to refrain from planting trees to avoid the fee. Or worse, they may have an incentive to remove trees before they make any application for rebuilding or before selling their property. Trees on site can no longer be considered as a value added alone, now they become a potential liability. |
Here is a list of current issues in discussion with the Montgomery County Council that impact the Industry. Our overwhelming concerns involve the time, expense and uncertainty involved in many of our approval processes that can be further exasperated by new regulations and by staff administration. While on shaky grounds, the industry shows signs of health and investors show a particular willingness to consider opportunities for economic development in keeping with your smart growth goals and your master plans.
Some new proposals are meant to clarify and improve some land use and process issues.
Lastly, we urge the Council to engage the State Delegation in State issues that may have a particularly problematic impact on Montgomery County.
MDE Proposes 2013 Permit Turnaround Times. The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) is seeking comments on its proposed standard turnaround times for all types of permit applications. MDE reviews and adjusts these turnaround times annually to give permit applicants current information regarding the processing time. These standards refer to the time between MDE’s receipt of a complete permit application and MDE’s issuance or denial of the permit, excluding delays caused by factors beyond MDE’s control. The standard time represents the time in which 90% of applications can be processed. To view the proposal, click here: compare with the 2012 Permit Turnaround Times.
The Maryland Energy Administration has a new webpage to help with the 2012 Energy Code. MEA provides an "Energy Coach" service to answer specific questions about code requirements. This service is available to builders, architects, and building officials. The Energy Coach can be reached by e-mail at[email protected], or by phone at (240) 514-2625. If you use the "Energy Coach", MNCBIA would appreciate your feedback. This webpage contains compliance provider lists for third party testing related to air leakage and ducts, as well as for the "stimulated energy performance evaluation." These lists are not considered complete. Suggest you consider using the services of associate members of MNCBIA. MEA also plans to develop some training videos. Keep checking this webpage for new courses and videos.
Offset Requirement for New Development in Maryland - Click here to see the proposed offset ratios and when they will take effect.
MNCBIA's Advocacy Team is comprised of...
Robert Kaufman
Vice President, Government Affairs (Montgomery Co. and Washington, DC), Custom Builders Council
Marcus Jackson, Director, Government Affairs (Calvert, Charles, Prince George's & St. Mary's counties)
direct 301-445-5404
Annette Rosenblum, Director of Regulatory Affairs (Special Industry Councils), Green Building Committee and Environmental Committee
direct 301-445-5407
Diane Swenson, Executive Vice President (State Legislative)
direct 301-445-5401
...and Board Members (current for 2014)
Rick Bailey, Marrick Properties, Vice President, Calvert County
Doug Meeker, Elm Street Development, Vice President, Charles County
Bill Kominers, Lerch, early & Brewer Chtd., Vice President, Montgomery County
Kenn Dunn, Loiederman Soltesz Assoc. Inc., Vice President, Prince George's County
Tom Thomas, Stanley Martin Companies, Inc., Vice President, St. Mary's County
Hillary Colt, Konterra, LLC, Vice President, Washington, DC
Dave Lunden, Timberlake Homes, Inc., Vice President, State Legislative/Secy.
Click on a link below to go directly to that County's Website.
Calvert County
Charles County
Montgomery County
Prince George's County
St. Mary's County
Washington, DC
MNCBIA Publications
The Legislative & Regulatory Report (contact Bob Kaufman) - MNCBIA publishes this monthly report highlighting the current legislative and regulatory issues throughout all our jurisdictions. It is emailed to all current members with an active email address.